Tough 420cc Ariens AX Cycle Engine
- Designed for cold weather applications with power to boot
- Provides the torque to launch snow up to an impressive 60 feet
- volt electric start with recoil backup (power cord not included)
- Dual belt drive increases engine torque while minimizing belt wear and tear
AutoTurn™ Steering Technology
- Automatically senses the direction of your turns
- Adjusts power to the inside track to make turning easier
DiscOMatic Drive System & Large Cast Iron Gear Case
- Easily shift into any of the six forward or two reverse speeds
Quick Turn Chute Control
- Rotate the chute up to 200 degrees using a single lever
Remote Chute Deflector Control
- Dashmounted control to change position & angle of the deflector
Heated Handgrips
- Keeps your fingertips toasty warm in subzero weather
- A musthave feature for large jobs on those frigid days
LED Headlight
- Plow through heavy snowfalls on the darkest of winter nights
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